2019 ALBF Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to the two ALBF SCholarship winners from Governor Mifflin High School.

Kylie (Talis) Boltz (on the right) will be attending Kutztown University as a B.F.A. Applied Digital Arts major. She will be majoring in Applied Digital Arts and is interested in concept art and character design. She was awarded $2500 .

Sydney McIntyre (on left) is undecided about her college choice. She was awarded $1000 .

Awards are administered by the Berks County Communicty Foundation via an endowed fund. Students are chosen by the Governor Mifflin senior high art teachers as exhibiting “great artistic promise.”

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c Talis Boltz: 1 Hour Illustration: Seedless

c Talis Boltz: 1 Hour Illustration: Seedless